n April 2021 Charry TV in Ronda premiered a documentary about foreigners who have come to reside in the City of the Tajo. Carolyn, Charlotte, Delphine, Heather, Julie, Karethe, Paul B, Paul W, and Wayne. Journalist María José García wrote this article at the time.

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The Moors from North Africa invaded Spain in 711 and were finally expelled in 1492. Setenil de las Bodegas, however, was quite problematic for the reconquering Christians. 7 - 0 was was the score over several centuries in the battle between Moors and Christians in this hilltop village. Indeed, the name Setenil is derived from this scoreline: siete – nulo.

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As we all know, exits from motorways and main roads correspond to the distance in kilometres from the start of that road. At Kilometro 26, there are a number of surprises, including hotels and casas rurales, bodegas, estate agents, the Spanish Foreign Legion barracks and the pedania Fuente de la Higuera and its 50-odd dwellings.

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Pablo de Ronda is an "accidental Spaniard." He has lived and worked in the Serranía de Ronda for more than 15 years. Yet, it was all an accident really. Starting when he was interviewed for a place at university; continuing through his year abroad; and finally after he retired from work and emigrated to Andalucía.

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El Toro de Osborne, the image of a black fighting bull that dominated the skyline all over Spain since the 50s, all of a sudden seemed to disappear, only to make a comeback in recent years. Paul Whitelock traces the history of the emblematic publicity hoarding which was such a comforting feature of the Spanish horizon.

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The Costa Press Club, Club de Prensa de la Costa del Sol, was founded in the year 2000 to bring together media folk working on the Costa del Sol. International in nature, the majority of members are British, although there have been Danish, French, German, a New Zealander and Spanish members too. Pablo de Ronda has been a member for some 15 years

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Christmas in Spain differs somewhat from the celebrations in other countries, such as France, Germany, the UK, and the USA. What the Spanish eat and when is different and the main presents are given out on 6 January, Epiphany. The Christmas season lasts from 8 December, Día de la Inmaculada Concepción, until 6 January, Epiphany or Día de Reyes.

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The right is rearing its ugly head all over Europe. Right-wing parties are gaining more and more support, eg in Germany, in Spain, in France. And the Netherlands have just elected a right-wing party. Conversely, it looks like the right has had its day in the UK. Despite the rise of the AfD and Pegida, Germany has a socialist-led coalition in the Berlin Bundestag. VOX in Spain appears to be losing support.

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Lots of people volunteer, ie they work for free. Pablo de Ronda has been working for free for the best part of 20 years. From translating and interpreting, through teaching and writing, to building work and gardening. Here's a summary of his "working for free" career.

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As the result of a barter arrangement between us and friends Nick and Julia, we just spent a delightful four days on the Costa del Sol, just over an hour by car from Ronda. We were based in Casares Costa, but also spent time in Puerto de la Duquesa, Sabinillas, El Castillo, Manilva and Estepona.

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Ronda has attracted many writers - foreigners as well as Spaniards - over the years. Here is a selection of people, 'Dead' or 'Alive', who have been moved to write about the 'Ciudad Soñada'. From American Ernest Hemingway to Austrian Rainer Maria Rilke; from Scottish Lord Alastair Boyd to Englishman Guy Hunter-Watts.

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I recently hired Oliver, the elder son of friends and neighbours Nick and Julia. Oliver has just turned 19 and has completed his A-Levels. Before he takes up his place at Exeter University, Ollie has opted to take a gap year, and he wants to travel and needs to earn money.

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