20 Aug

Tiredness, lack of sleep or boredom are ingredients in a melting pot of the tunes that we cannot get out of our heads. We call them “earworms”.

Some years ago the University of St. Andrews in Scotland compiled a list of the most persistent “earworms” in history, based on scientifically measurable factors which potentially make a song addictive. These included surprise, predictability, rhythmic repetition, melodic power and receptivity. 

Here is the St. Andrews’ list: 



XL Semanal 20/08/2023


© Paul Whitelock 


Baha Men, Bohemian Rhapsody, Bon Jovi, earworm, Europe, Gangnam Style, Happy,  I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles), James Lord Pierpont, Jingle Bells, Livin’ On A Prayer, Never Gonna Give You Up, Pharrell Williams,  Proclaimers, Psy, Queen, Rick Astley, St Andrews, The Final Countdown, Village People, We Are The Champions, We Will Rock You, Who Let The Dogs Out?, XL Semanal, YMCA

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