22 Dec


Fish for Christmas dinner? No presents on Christmas Day? Grapes at midnight on New Year’s Eve? What is going on? 

Paul Whitelock checks out the Christmas scene in Spain in general and Andalucía in particular.

Courtesy: Visit Andalucía

An interesting tradition, predominantly in the provinces of Granada and Jaén, is that of jumping over bonfires, or hogueras, as a symbolic protection against illness. It is the observance of the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year and the beginning of winter.

Polvorones [Photo courtesy: My Karamelli]

Courtesy: Spain.info

Courtesy: Time and Date

El Roscón de Reyes [Photo courtesy: YouTube]


Note: This is an updated version of an article that first appeared on www.secretserrania.com on 23/12/2020 

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